zaterdag 28 mei 2011

How to learn Game?

Do you want to learn how to pickup women in the streets, malls, shopping areas, your university, or where ever you want, check out this guide I have made for you!

Press follow or leave a comment behind with your feedback!

Daygame Level 2: Just be friendly and social

Daygame Level 2: Just be friendly and social

Currently this is still in Dutch, but I will translate it in English as well, when i have more time for it. In the mean time try and learn some Dutch language ;-)

Direct daygame resin complication is fun and educational, but did you ever have enough of (make time to daygamen)?

Solution: Integrate it into your life. I do this, is not to daygame, which is an appointment with my swing (also active daygamer) have made. We both have enough daygame met with immediate success (and funny things happened). My goal is to enjoy life, my business will be (am now more-or-more in the startup phase) and above to complete my studies. But do I have days off for purely just to daygame? No, there is the danger in it.... and I have not the time. Yes, I'd make time to make, but no, priorities!

It's all cool and everything, but gaming is not your life, at least that's what you should pursue. Of course I have very short time a lot and it was absolutely necessary in my case, because before I had little experience with women, Like 99% of the community. But then you go through a phase that you realize there is more. Same Day Lays, kiss-closes, instant dates, day2/3/ that who you are?

A generally good day during the peak of my game (before my girlfriend I belonged and I ended up in a dip) was 10-15 daygame numbers, which I have 5 songs directly from my phone deleted because they were worthless anyway (it’s a feeling). Some instant dates were solid and not others. After that the final numbers 5-10 2-3 dates. And here you are 5-6 hours spent on daygame, 1 hour travel time to daygame 2-3 dates, and location where you each have to spend an afternoon or could be. Das time! And yes, while I was also a steady girlfriend. While that was all fat, it took me loads time! This is just the reality of daygame ...

My current mindset is just chilling bit and when I see something then I do something, but I'm no longer approach the machine that I was before. Open your social mindset, be friendly and talk to more people, not just beautiful women (everyone: young / old / male / female)! Sometimes I sometimes chat with beautiful girls and my friends tell me I could get her number, sometimes I know that sometimes I realize I do not agree, but I did not mean the interaction. And that is the switch in mindset. Sometimes you her number even though she is not very nice.

Of course I also have a daygame terms of style (if I do), and actually if you think it is really weak right daygame / validation-seeking in my opinion. ... OMG WTF? Yes, I think other daygamers also have gone through this phase. Now I'm sociable and open social and I have a normal conversation (after which I sometimes dare to attempt rapid escalation when I see that a spark has been beaten).

Direct daygame like structure with many routines, attraction, qualification, comfort, etc is something you really natural interaction death. We want this community are all "natural" and catch what we missed in our lives. But actually keep us from this mindset. Some of my friends are naturals and have not called pua material necessary for women to get. When I ask them, they know it too hard to explain ... It's just natural .... they do the things which we use various terms is naturally and without structure. I know this is difficult and here also I have problems with it will, I am not perfect and sometimes I watch a DVD or listen to an audio file. No worries, but try it just gradually let go, try to let go of old structures.

I give you now a great challenge: indirect open (do not use game: stuff no routines or scripted) and try if then - quickly escalate!

Why do you game? For chicks to pickup the streets? No, for you as a human being to improve! Your inner game ... rather than your outer game, your score on board, or whatever, because what makes you really happy?

maandag 31 januari 2011

Welcome on AfterbitePUA's Daygame Blog

I am a daygamer as they call it in the pickup community... But now, I also realize life is not all about game, it is about getting your shit together and making the best of your life. It is about being your true self and enjoying life to the fullest - as it is quite short...

Daygame level 2: Just be friendly & social (Dutch Version)

Daygame level 2: Just be friendly & social (Dutch Version)

Currently this is still in Dutch, but I will translate it in English as well, when I have more time for it. In the mean time try and learn some Dutch language ;-)

Direct daygame is harstikke leuk en leerzaam, maar heb je er ooit wel eens genoeg van (het tijd vrij maken om te daygamen)?

Oplossing: Integreer het in je leven. Ik doe nu vrijwel niet meer aan daygame, en dat is een afspraak die ik met mijn wing (ook actieve daygamer) heb gemaakt. We hebben allebei wel genoeg successen met direct daygame gehaald (en ook grappige dingen meegemaakt). Mijn doelstelling is van het leven te genieten, mijn business op te zetten (ben nu min-of-meer in de startup-fase) en vooral mijn studie af te ronden. Maar maak ik nog dagen vrij om puur enkel te daygamen? Nee, daar zit het gevaar in....en daar heb ik ook niet meer de tijd voor. Ja, tijd zou ik ervoor kunnen maken, maar nee: prioriteiten stellen!

Het is allemaal tof en zo, maar game is not your life, althans dat is wat je moet nastreven. Natuurlijk heb ik in korte tijd wel heel veel meegemaakt en was absoluut wel nodig in mijn geval, want daarvoor had ik weinig ervaring met vrouwen, net als 99% vd community. Maar vervolgens ga je door een fase dat je realiseert dat er meer is. Same day lays, kiss-closes, instantdates, day2/3/ dat wie jij bent?

Een doorgaans goede dag ten tijde van de top van mijn game (voordat mn vriendin het me uitmaakte en ik in een dip terecht kwam) was 10-15 nummers uit daygame, waarvan ik 5 nummers direct uit mn phone verwijderde omdat ze toch waardeloos waren (it’s a feeling). Enkele instantdates waren solid en andere niet. Daarna had van de 5-10 nummers uiteindelijk 2-3 dates. En hier ben je dan 5-6 uur kwijt aan daygame, 1 uur reistijd om naar daygame locatie te gaan en 2-3 dates waar je ieder ook wel een middagje aan kwijt kon zijn. Das veel tijd! En ja, ik had tegelijkertijd ook nog eens een vaste vriendin. Hoewel dat allemaal vet was, kostte het me bakkenvol tijd! Dit is gewoon de realiteit van daygame...

Mijn huidige mindset is gewoon beetje chillen en als ik iets zie dan doe ik wel eens iets, maar ik ben niet langer de approach-machine die ik eerst was. Je sociale mindset openen; wees vriendelijk en praat met meer mensen, niet alleen mooie vrouwen (dus jong/oud/man/vrouw)! Soms klets ik wel eens met mooie meiden waarbij mijn vrienden zeggen dat ik haar nummer had kunnen krijgen, soms weet ik dat ook soms realiseer ik het me niet eens, maar ik dat was niet mijn bedoeling van de interactie. En dat is de switch in mindset. Soms hoef je haar nummer niet ook al is ze heel leuk.

Natuurlijk heb ik ook wel een stijl qua daygame (als ik het doe), en eigenlijk als je nadenkt is direct daygame toch eigenlijk wel zwak/validation-seeking naar mijn mening. OMG...WTF? Ja, ik denk dat andere daygamers ook wel door deze fase heen zijn gegaan. Ben wel nieuwsgierig naar de mening van Smoothdoc (en zijn ontwikkeling in daygame). Nu ben ik sociaal en open ik sociaal en heb een normaal gesprek (waarna ik soms ook poging waag tot snelle escalatie als ik zie dat er een vonkje is overgeslagen).

Direct daygame met allerlei structuur zoals routines, attraction, qualification, comfort, etc is eigenlijk iets wat je natuurlijke interactie dood. We willen in deze community allemaal ‘natural’ worden en inhalen van wat we in ons leven hebben gemist. Maar eigenlijk houd deze mindset ons tegen. Enkele van mn vrienden zijn zogenaamde naturals en hebben niet pua-materiaal nodig om vrouwen te krijgen. Als ik ze vraag, dan weten ze het ook nauwelijks uit te leggen...Het gaat gewoon natuurlijk....zij doen de dingen waarvoor wij allerlei termen gebruiken van nature en zonder structuur. Ik weet dat dit moeilijk is en hier heb ik zelf ook problemen mee, ik ben immers ook niet perfect en ik kijk ook wel eens een DVD of luister naar een audiofile. No worries, maar probeer het gewoon geleidelijk meer los te laten, probeer je oude structuur los te laten.

Ik geef jullie nu een leuke challenge: open indirect (gebruik geen game: no routines or scripted stuff) en probeer indien klik - snel te escaleren!

Waarom doe je game? Om chicks te versieren op straat? Nee, om je als menselijk wezen te verbeteren! Je inner game... en niet zozeer je outer game, je scoreboord, of wat dan ook, want wat maakt jou ECHT gelukkig?

zondag 10 januari 2010

Afterbite’s Direct Daygame Guide

Afterbite’s Direct Daygame Guide

From my own experience I believe that Direct Daygame consists of: 40% inner game + 20% body language + 30% social intelligence + 10% verbal

- Self confidence is most important thing during daygame: you have to not only look confident, but be confident as well!

- Self-affirmations: "I am the SHIT!" So it’s not: "I am shit" but it’s "I am THE shit!" Every time you think approaching a girl, let this go through your head. What I do is constantly repeat in my head ”I AM THE SHIT! - I AM THE SHIT! - I AM THE SHIT!” Also write this down hang it up somewhere in your room so you will be reminded with this on a daily basis.

- Smile romantically (no dirty thoughts): Create a feeling inside of total love and butterflies in your stomach. Be in love; not with the girl you approach but with everybody in general. Love everyone. It is important to be in-state and having the right mindset. Girls can sense when you are looking at them while having dirty thoughts. This makes sure you can never look at them the wrong way.

- Link your personality, kind of words you use/ language, outfit, and verbal conversational topics to one complete personality: your fashion& grooming must match your words. You have to be totally congruent with the personality you like to portray yourself.

- Be romantic: Think of all Hollywood films! Never clubgame but always daygame romances. So social conditioning says that this a beautiful love story which they can their family and friends about. So what do I do with this info? I take advantage of social conditioning! Just think a bit of Don Juan and Casanova.

- Become a High Status Alpha Male: Just imagine being Don Juan and think of how you would look the world…Imagine being him! Close your eyes and see yourself as the High-status Sensitive Romantic Alpha Male you always have dreamed to be end be him always, not only when you chase girls: BE HIM! You can also use other role models as JFK, Flavio Briatore, Gianni Agnelli, or whoever you see as the ultimate alpha male.


- Directly zoom in with your eyes before you approached and do not break eye contact
- 100% eye contact
- Direct approach and opening
- Power of honesty: be honest and sincere sounding as if you never do this and this is just a strange magical event happening to the two of you.
- Pause and be Spontaneous: remember to pause from time to time so it looks like non-canned material and really spontaneously. Most of my material was originally made up spontaneous and on the spot but after having used the same lines over and over I try to still be spontaneous and make them feel I made these words for them only.


- Speak in terms of metaphors as you describe something about your own life and guess in terms of metaphors how her life looks like: be a bit general so you are always right. I advice you guys to read horoscopes (I personally think it’s crap since I don’t believe in it but girls love it); this really works like a charm! It’s an original short cold read that she hasn’t heard before. How many times have girls heard ‘The Cube’ compared to what you have told her?

- DO NOT NEG!!!: Please do not NEG too much, especially with girls who have probably not experienced too much of this. I have lost lots of HB8-9s just because I became too cocky (& not funny for them) and by negging (in text, MSN or conversation). You can use it in NIGHTGAME, but for the love of God please don’t do it during daygame, especially when you want to portray yourself as the romantic Don Juan. So in short if you go negging while wanting to be Don Juan you will screw up cuz you’re incongruent!

- Tease and Push-Pull: Do not neg, but tease her a bit when it’s situational relevant and really funny (not only for you but also for her). Do not forget to tone it down to day to day interactions and not on the nightgame level of teasing.

- It’s all about how you say it: Words are not important or what you say...It is most important HOW you say it!

- Always be POSITIVE: Don’t gossip and talk negatively about other people/ experiences! If the girl tends to do this in conversation. Try to reframe it in a positive way. Many leaders are awesome in doing this. I personally constantly have to think of the former CEO of Carnegie Steel Company and later founded his own steel company in the 1900s Charles M Schwab ( By being positive though not knowing a lot about producing steel, he was always positive and good in motivating people. Just try to see the good in everything and REFRAME everything positively. For example it can always be worse! Btw, he’s not the Charles R Schwab (financial services)

- Be a Girl: Don’t take this too seriously. Be original with what you say and think of “If I were to be a girl, how would I respond to this?” It’s always a good idea to test your talk with yourself: would this attract you if you heard this as a girl.

- Don’t talk about sex or sex related topics! How would you respond if somebody came walking up to you and talk dirty? C’mon, do you want results or rejections???

- Being direct is not about stating your desires (wanting to wank her): Direct daygame is all about being the self-confident guy who knows how to please girls and respect women you state your intentions (wanting to get to know her better as a human being /person).

- Fuck all routines you’ve learned from Mystery Method, Style or whoever that might work during nightgame but are socially awkward to ask during daygame. Okay, from time to time you can use some routines, but only when they are SITUATIONAL RELEVANT!

- Use your social intelligence and intellectual knowledge every time after she has told something about herself and don’t forget it’s best to use metaphors and when giving her an answer. Reward her because you ACTUALLY REALLY REALLY REALLY wanted to know that about her in order to get to know her better because .... BE different than all the AFC's only by asking and thinking they made a connection by asking lots of boring questions.

- Remember everything & don’t forget her name: Don’t be the AFC that can only ask and ask and forget everything she has told you because you didn’t care. Make sure to pay attention to everything she tells you! How I remember a lot of the stuff girls tell me. I always try to imagine in my mind how their lives look like in a romantic way: dream of her reality (but not in an AFC way). Dream and describe in metaphors when she asks about it. The stuff she tells about herself can be used as a HOOK to maybe use it further down the conversation when the conversation dies a bit.

- Use your own experiences of life as possible talk topics: If you have no clue what to talk about don’t just blur out some irrelevant DHV story. If you want to tell her a DHV story, don’t use some canned DHV story you got from the internet but make an own DHV story about yourself of something you have really experienced yourself. It should not be to impress her, that’s overdoing it! You should make it a light DHV story you should describe it as the most beautiful things on the face of this planet. And also lead the conversation that makes the story SITUATIONAL RELEVANT!

When to go direct or indirect?
My direct daygame doesn’t mean I always go in direct, because sometimes I go in indirect and slowly make the conversation more direct.
- STREET: Direct
- MUSEUM: Indirect/ Direct
- SHOPPING: Indirect/Direct
- IN A TRAIN/BUS: Indirect
- UNIVERSITY CAMPUS: Indirect (unless it’s at another university where I don’t study)
- PARK: Direct

BUT it also depends on the type of girl you are approaching! Because people are unique, you cannot approach every girl with the same approach. For this I have made a rule of thumb to remember me on the basis of the type of girl when to go direct or indirect:

The higher educated and/or older she is, the more DIRECT you can be. And the lower educated and/or the younger she is, the more INDIRECT (& FUNNY) you should be.

Direct approach:

1. Direct approach with lots of eye-contact, zoom in, make her stop and start opener
2. Comfort building: start situational relevant conversation
3. Qualification: make her qualify herself a bit to you
4. False Time Constraint: tell her you have to go back to your friends who are waiting somewhere and that we should continue conversation sometime and ask her how we can best keep in touch.
5. Possible shittest: Make clear using a metaphor that you add value to her life. Do NOT state this directly that it’s love at first sight or that she SHOULD meet you again.
6. Close: #-close and a few kisses on the cheeks. If connection was really good, go for the kiss-close

But now you’re thinking; how can I implement this to my own life and my daygame? First thing I recommend you is to read it again. Then sit down and think: “How can I do this?” Just go in-field and practice while having this in the back of your head!

